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Guernsey cow milk has a naturally high percentage of Beta Casein A2. When tested in the UK, Guernsey milk had more than 95% A2 which compares with 40% A2 in Jersey milk and 15% in Holstein milk.


Vitamin D

The World Guernsey Cattle Federation notes that Guernsey milk contains 33% more vitamin D and 15% more calcium than average milk. Vitamin D benefits include keeping bones and teeth healthy, preventing diabetes, and fighting infections.



The unique golden colour of Guernsey milk comes from an unusually high content of beta carotene. Beta carotene is not broken down by Guernsey cows, therefore it passes into their milk. Beta carotene benefits include improved vision, heart, lung and cognitive function, as well as healthy skin.


Omega 3

Guernsey milk has three times more of the beneficial essential fatty acid omega 3 than other breeds of cows. Omega-3 benefits include improved heart health, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive performance as well as prevention of certain neurological conditions.